
Why Filipino Millenials Job Hop: Is the Economy to Blame?

Yes and No. The economy is partly to blame, but it could also be the employer or the employee. Nonetheless, there’s more to this issue than meets the eye.
It may be true that the economy contributes to the human resource problem known as job-hopping, but it should not receive the full blame. Instead, the state of the economy can be considered as the underlying cause that leads to the other reasons why Filipino Millenials choose to leave their jobs.

In other words, the problem isn’t the economy per se. But whatever the reason, it all boils down to the worker’s evaluation of the job itself, which is determined by a lot of factors. Interestingly, only a few of them are actually related to how the economy is performing. On the other hand, some are circumstances based on the employer or the professional’s very mindset.

Today, it is normal for a Filipino millennial to have 3 or more jobs listed in his resume in a span of 2 years. And according to most of these job-hoppers themselves, the main reasons why they job-hop can be summarized into two main reasons:

The Job Is Too Stressful (The Employer is to Blame)

To start, let’s take a look at the exemplar in the job-hopping trend. In recent years, the call center industry was attributed with a bothersome 60-80% turnover rate – meaning agents are being fired, quitting, or job-hopping as fast as they are being employed. Why? Apparently, call center firms are regarded as the most stressful workplaces ever – according to the underpaid, overworked, and unfulfilled call center agents.

The graveyard shift, of course, did not help the situation. It’s difficult to focus, the clients are often verbally abusive, the one-month training isn’t enough, and the trainers are oppressive. Call center agents report having too much pressure in their workplace to even focus on their duties.

The Lack of Quality Jobs (The Economy Is to Blame)

Other than the stressful environment, young professionals who job-hop tend to get jobs that are unrelated to their specialization of educational attainment. This usually results in underemployment wherein the skills and specialties of professionals are either underpaid or unutilized.

First of all, it is only understandable for young professionals to seek better paying jobs. And they are more than willing to switch or hop to employers who offer bigger pay, more benefits, and better workplace. When a better opportunity from a different employer comes, you can almost be certain that the young professional will take it.

Because I Can (The Employee Is to Blame)

Lastly, young Millenials believe that we live in an age of possibilities. Simply put, they are more than willing to risk their job security in hopes of finding something better. This gives them the incentive to job-hop for almost any reason such as stress, underemployment, or the lack of rewards.

In the end, remember that job-hopping is a choice. Chances are you already knew what you signed up for when applying for a job. This is why, in some cases, all the other reasons for job-hopping can be considered as excuses. Whatever the cause, always remember that job-hopping will not reflect well in your resume.

Tired of Job-Hopping?

Instead of job-hopping, few people choose to use their savings or apply for a personal loan to start a small business. Other young Filipinos also consider using their savings to invest in stocks, mutual funds, commodities, and even riskier options such as foreign currencies.

Yes, sometimes entrepreneurship is the way for a more fulfilling and stable financial life. Whether it’s the economy, employer, or workforce to blame, job-hopping is hurting this country in a macroeconomic point-of-view.

About the Author:
Ariel See is a freelance writer at eCompareMo, an online comparison portal in the Philippines. He supplies articles to top industry leaders in US, UK and Southeast Asia. He worked as a Graphic Designer before he explored the field of writing.